The sheep here are among the sweetest creatures to ever live. We have a small flock that live with many other species (goats, alpacas, pigs, and chickens), and they all get along, some even have very close inter-species bonds. We have saved sheep from slaughter, cruel scientific experiments, and owners unable to care for them. Nando, our ram, is a visitor and volunteer favorite with his incredibly affectionate personality and gentle way, not to mention handsome. Nando and Charlie the goat are the co-leaders of this group, and they have a very touching bond with one another.
Goats are the second most populous animal here at the sanctuary. With two distinct herds, a gentle and friendly herd, and a little more rambunctious and wilder herd. Every goat that comes here is assessed and placed with the herd that they will fit in best with, and we always keep bonded animals together. Goats form very close bonds, especially in their families. You will often see mom and kid snuggled together, or siblings together. Our goats are rescued from slaughter, aging owners, hoarding and abuse cases, as well as simply being unwanted. No animal is ever unwanted here and they are given love, attention, and freedom to just be goats. You can never leave a goat interaction here without a smile on your face.
Our alpaca boys are simply the cutest, and also rather wary of anything out of the ordinary, which make them an asset to have around in every way! They love snacks, are always the most curious about any new friends that arrive, and they look out for their friends in the big “community herd” (which includes, goats, sheep, pigs, chickens and roosters). When their owner had to move to a place that couldn’t accommodate them, they needed a new and safe forever home. They have been here since 2017.

In addition to Amy’s personal rescue housecats that can occasionally be seen visiting the farm animals, we have a number of barn cats. Some just showed up here and decided it was a good place to stay, two were rescued specifically to be barn cats, some are part of a TNR a volunteer orchestrated, and one is a neighbor’s but prefers to spend her time with us! We love our kitty friends, and they enjoy the safety, food, and medical care we provide. Some are very friendly, and some we only see traces of or streaking by occasionally. We encourage all visitors to adopt and not shop for companion animals!

Currently home to just 2 cows, these big girls are the essence of “grass puppies.” Playful, adventurous, curious and affectionate, Big Moo and Little Moo have spent their entire lives together. When their owner found herself needing to rehome these girls, she was very careful about making sure they didn’t end up on someone’s plate. These girls will live out their lives in safety and peace with us.

A kill lot in the southern US and a case of neglect in Colorado are terrible places for donkeys to be! We are grateful to have welcomed our first donkeys in 2020 from these very places. They will live their lives out here free from fear or neglect, in a big pasture full of grass and their very own cozy barn. Our donkeys are bonded to each other but have also had other animal friends in the past, so perhaps their little herd may grow in the future. Nothing quite says welcome home like a donkey braying.
Out of all species we have, birds are the most populous residents. Home to roosters and hens, ducks, geese and turkeys, we have 15 different areas that house our flocks. Some flocks are a traditional one rooster to multiple hens, some are bachelor flocks of roosters, some are just ducks, and some are mixed species. Each bird area is unique and each flock has its own personality. We often move birds around until they find the flock they fit in with best. We have old birds, young birds, everything in between, and many special needs birds. Our rescues come from various situations: bankrupt meat farms, egg farms, “old” hens that aren’t laying anymore, discarded roosters, cock fighting busts, financially strapped owners, even birds found wandering around, and domestic ducks dumped in lakes and rivers. Roosters are the number one surrender request we get. Sadly, with the popularity in backyard chickens, most cities don’t allow roosters and sexing as chicks is difficult and often incorrect. We are against backyard chickens for many reasons, this being one of the biggest. Although not always as outgoing as other animals here, the birds are unique and each one is special, and we always encourage visitors and volunteers to get to know them. To be a chicken's friend is a great honor, and if the turkey likes you- wow!

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RFAS is home to various types of pigs- potbellied, Kune Kune, Yorkshire, and mixed breeds. They found their way to us from a variety of situations including saved from slaughter, hoarding and neglect cases, financially strapped owners, and failed 4H projects to name a few. None of them found themselves needing a new home because of anything they did. All the pig friends here enjoy freedom, good food, attention, friendships, pig shenanigans, and love.